What to Bring on a Day Hike: Hiking Gear List
You can download my complete list of HIKING ESSENTIALS CHECKLIST for FREE
Whether you live in Seattle, Washington in the Pacific Northwest or any other part of the world and you’re wondering what to bring on a day hike, you’re in the right place. Let me share with you a list of what to bring on a day hike. Here are the items I bought at REI, the great outdoor gear store (rei.coop).
Please note that I haven’t received compensation nor is this a paid advertisement but rather my personal opinion. Select what you need from this comprehensive list.
1. Hiking Boots
Click Here to Buy; Hiking Boots for Him & Hiking Boots for Her from REI
Having the appropriate foot wear is the key to having an enjoyable hike.
2. Socks
Click Here to Buy Socks from REI. Also, remember to always bring an extra pair in case you get wet.
3. Hiking Backpack
Click Here to buy hiking backpack for him and her from the REI.
4. Map
Click Here to Buy a Map from REI
5. Compass
Click here to buy a Compass from REI
6. Hydration Reservoir/ Bladder
Click here to purchase your hydration bladder here from REI
A hydration Bladder makes it super easy to stay hydrated throughout the hike instead of having to stop and get your water bottle.
7. Additional layers of clothing
Click Here to Buy; Pants for Him and Pants for her from the REI. Mother Nature (especially in Seattle) seems to be full of surprises, so be super prepared for all weather conditions.
8. Swim Suit.
In case you plan of cooling yourself at a lake.
9. Trekking poles
Click Here to Buy trekking poles for him and for her from the REI
For stable walking and climbing, this is a must! Trust me, you will thank me later.
10. Whistle
Click here to buy a whistle from REI
For safety, you never know when you might need it.
11. Emergency first-aid kit of supplies
Click here to buy a medical kit from REI
12. Knife
Not a machete, but more of a pocket knife to cut a bandage, cut fruit, etc.
13. Headlamp
In case you end up getting lost or if you take an early morning hike and it’s still dark.
14. Food
Click here to buy nutrition bars from REI
A salad and sandwich or fruit are easy to carry and filling and energy bars.
15. Hydration Tablets: Electrolytes
Click here to buy the Hydration Tablets from REI
16. Water
17. Water Filter:Backup Water treatment (For a long day hike)
Click here to buy water filter from REI
18. Sunglasses
19. Lip balm.
20. Sunscreen
Click to buy Spray Sunscreen from REI
21. Trash Bags/ Zip Locks Bags
22. Tissues
23. Paper napkins and eating utensils: spoon, fork and knife
24. Panty Liner (women)
25. Sun Hat
Click here to buy a hat from REI.
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